
第51章 苏曼研发的飞艇,漫游者1号 (第2/4页)


于成功研发出了一款令人叹为观止的新型氢能源飞艇。Just at the moment when all humanity is in despair, we have a piece of good news to share with everyone. At the forefront of today's world technology, there is a 23-year-old Chinese female scientist, Su Man, who has been hailed as a genius by people. She led her elite teaetallic luster in the sunlight, and every line seems to have been carefully carved, full of a sense of the future and the charoment when the airship starts, the hydrogen energy engine emits a low and powerful rumbling sound, like the roar of a giant beast, instantly breaking the tranquility. The powerful power drives the airship to rise into the sky rapidly, and it is like a brilliant meteor, cutting through the dark night sky.

在飞行过程中,飞艇以最高时速 800 公里的惊人速度在蓝天白云间疾驰,它的身影如闪电般迅速掠过,留下一道美丽的痕迹。而它那令人惊叹的续航能力更是达到了 2000 公里,足以让它带着人们飞越千山万水,去探索那无尽的未知世界。During the flight, the airship rushes at an astonishing speed of up to 800 kilometers per hour between the blue sky and white clouds. Its figure passes by




海贼之我的搭档是艾斯德斯 山海经纪元:神兽异兽,超能力者 重启全盛时代 末世:带领华夏结束地下城生活 倾国+番外 末世小蜘蛛!变身美少女! 规则之书