
第26章 震撼发声,地球的真相! (第4/7页)


s the result of the chain reaction caused by the earth core super energy.

【大约在2.5亿年前,你们的盘古大陆虽然是一个整体,但是大陆内部也存在着一些裂缝,这些裂缝将你们的盘古大陆分成了四大部洲。】About 250 million years ago, although your Pangu Continent was a whole, there were also some cracks within the continent, which divided your Pangu Continent into four major continents.

【具体来划分,可以有四大部洲,分别是东胜神洲,西牛贺洲,南赡部洲,北俱芦洲。】Specifically, it can be divided into four major continents, namely, the Eastern Blessed Divine Continent, the Western Ox and Joy Continent, the Southern Contemplation Continent, and the Northern All-Containing Continent.

【在你们地球上的远古时期,有一部古籍名为《山海经》记载着各种灵兽异兽,其实这些就是盘古大陆的古世界生物。】In the ancient times on your Earth, there was an ancient book named "Shan Hai Jing" which recorded various spirit beasts and strange beasts, in fact, these were the ancient world creatures of the Pangu Continent.

【你们人类诞生以来,创作的很多上古神作,也是由我们天道文明遗留在地球上的神只引导你们的古代圣贤所创作。】Since your humans were born, many ancient masterpieces created were also




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