
第26章 震撼发声,地球的真相! (第6/7页)


ation to the low-level civilization, to prevent the low-level civilization's technological counterattack, thus threatening the existence of the high-level civilization.

【所以,地球科技已经停滞在1945年之前,也就是核弹被发明之前,大约在你们人类文明的二战时期,也就是说,二战以后诞生的所有文明科技将会全部失灵。】Therefore, Earth's technology has stagnated before 1945, that is, before the invention of the nuclear bomb, approximately in the period of your human civilization's World War II, that is to say, all the civilizational technologies that were born after World War II will all fail.


【万分抱歉,虽然天道文明对你们地球文明表示感谢,但宇宙生存法则的残酷真相,让我们不得不做出如此现实的卑劣举措,希望你们能理解。】 Extremely sorry, although the Heavenly Way civilization shows gratitude to your Earth civilization, the cruel truth of the universal law of survival makes us have to make such a realistic despicable move, and hopefully you can understand.

【尽管如此,我们天道文明对地球文明也已经算是仁至义尽,如果是其他高等文明,或许地球现在已经被毁灭。】Even so, our Heavenly Way civilization has been quite kind to the Earth civil




海贼之我的搭档是艾斯德斯 山海经纪元:神兽异兽,超能力者 重启全盛时代 末世:带领华夏结束地下城生活 倾国+番外 末世小蜘蛛!变身美少女! 规则之书