
第26章 震撼发声,地球的真相! (第5/7页)


created by your ancient sages guided by the gods that our Heavenly Way civilization left on the earth.

【如今,由于地核超能的恢复,你们地球的大陆版块将会重新聚拢成一块整体。】Nowadays, due to the recovery of the earth core super energy, the continental plates on your Earth will re-converge into a single whole.

【大约在十天后,各个大陆板块会进行最终的碰撞重组,届时将会造成相当大规模的地震,火山喷发与巨大海啸。】About ten days later, each continental plate will undergo the final collision and rebination, which will cause a considerable large-scale earthquake, volcanic eruption, and huge tsunami at that time.

【特此提示,请各位地球人类尽快远离大陆版块碰撞地带,前往平坦地区,以免造成重大伤亡,具体参考地震发生时的正确做法。】Hereby prompt, please all the earth humans move away froajor technological outbreak among your humans in the future, our Heavenly Way civilization has adopted a time technological imprisonment lock on the Earth.

【时间科技禁锢锁是宇宙高等文明对低等文明采取的一种终极限制手段,防止低等文明科技逆袭,从而威胁到高等文明的存在。】The time technological imprisonment lock is an ultimate restriction means adopted by the universe's high-level civiliz




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